
Brand new POV

Your music and its vibe does remind me rather of the surge of disco around 'New Rave' that happened around 2006-7

Welcome back! Here are some photos of the events I went to. These are shot on film as well and I like the vibe. The first event was the opening of Garage48's new hub. It's a great place and I recommend visiting it.

Here's the dog waiting for his turn playing the foosball at Garage48 hub.

I have moved to Tallinn and so I'm away from my main studio, but I hope to work on my new side project. I won't call out the name before I have the first track-like bits. It will be probably more live than my previous stuff, something in the lines of Sex Drive Live. I do hope to get out the several tracks that are almost complete. I just have to find the time.

View of Garage48 hub opening party.
This weekend I'm playing two sets. The first one is on Friday at the "Tsiistrenuka art and music festival" and the other one is at the Mõisa Karneval. If you like to dance hard then you should be there with us.

Wasted On the balcony at Tigutorn in Tartu.

The best news is that I finally got my new camera. It's a Nikon P300 and I'm impressed with it's capabilities of taking photos in low light, it's also a wide angle so it's perfect for my needs. It also means that there are going to be a whole lot more photos on Fluon and I plan to post them real soon.

See you soon