
From Venice and Croatia

Every trip you take, is a trip in your head

Hey! I just got back from our trip. We went to see Croatia for the first time and I got to revisit Venice once again. My favorite part about the trip was Venice, as Croatia's season was ending and we stayed at a quiet beach resort.

Piaza San Marco at Venice. A mix of ancient culture and Venetian T-shirts and masks.

This track used to be called "Roaming Rome", but it's fit for roaming Venice and Croatia just as well - just push play.

We spent the days on the beach and playing ping pong. Just reloading our internal batteries with the sunshine. It's a bit of a shame that we didn't spend more time in the nearby town Pula which seemed like a more active center than our town Rovinj.

Having coffee on a terrace at the coast of  Croatia.

Venice was as I remembered - an inspiring environment to be in. Sadly we didn't make it to the Guggenheim there, but we did manage to end up next to the biennale area one night.

The best meal - shrimp and shandy with greetings from Croatia.

The crazy thing about Venice is that allegedly 150 000 tourists visit it every day. So I'm not quite sure I would like to live in a town like that.

You want grape? I give you good grape! Our local fruit merchant at the Croatian market.

As for the night life, I had been recommended the square - Campo Santa Margherita, which is where all the students gather during the night time. The happy hours start at 6 and the night ends pretty early there, around two it's mostly quiet.

Venetian night life is not the liveliest - the locals drink in the bars and on the square.

We went to a bar which had 1€ wine on sale all night long. It tasted pretty good, but not in the morning. We also went to another bar which had a special on vodka, gin and rum as a shot was 1€ and a cocktail was 2€.

Never made it inside, but it looked like a cool TV church.

Things got a little out of hand and as we started heading back for our apartment, we got lost on the way. Luckily it was just next to a crowd of people in front of a bar. One of them came over to help us find a way and before we knew it, we end up drinking beer with him and 3 other guys on the square.

Venice from the other side.

That was the trip in short. I'm having the clips cut together so I could give you a more vivid picture of it all. I have no idea when it will be available, hopefully eventually.

See you at biit record shop today,