
Sarah Maple and other parties

Can I remix you?

Hey you,
It was a heavy Friday night. It started with two exhibition openings, continued with my first ever bowling game, then a house party and finally Sinilind. It took most of the weekend to recover.

My favorite spectators.

The first opening was that of Sarah Maple. Her works were impressive and the exhibition was well organized. I can't remember the last time that there were so many excited spectators at an opening.

There wasn't much of Sarah to see from the last row.

The second exhibition was in an appropriated cellar with wire frame trees and a photo series of people posing on the same graffiti-covered corner in Tartu. However I managed to find Zuks there.

Changing gallery openings.

The exhibition was cool because it wasn't in a gallery and also because the "tree" engulfed most of the space and couldn't even  be circled. Too bad the wine was already gone by then.

The Kalamaja house party.

I then went to bowling for the first time ever. It was harder than I had expected. However I did better than I would have expected and managed to score a couple of strikes.

Sigue Sigue Fabrique.

Next stop was a house Party in Kalamaja. My phone had run out of juice and I only managed to get the house number. As I arrived I also discovered that there were two houses with the same number. I decided on a window by vague party lights on the second floor. After ten minutes of throwing snow at the window I was invited in by the arriving neighbor couple. The window turned out to be the right one and it was a great surprise to find SS Fabrique and Kalvik also at the party.

Sinilind was so crowded that the seated were worshiped.

From there a group of us went on to a party in Sinilind. There we had a couple of drinks too many and saw a lot of friends - old and new. The night ended at around 5 am.

Meeting Sarah after her artist talk, I was extremely hungover.

See you soon!